Weekly Recap 7/4

Weekly Recap 7/4
Image provided by
paul gy
@ https://www.flickr.com/photos/fotobuena/

Today is a holiday here in the US, Independence Day. In 1776, we declared our unconditional separation from England. We usually celebrate this independence with barbeques, picnics, lots of beer, and, of course, the fireworks once the sun goes down. This year, in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee, the rain may put a damper on all of this fun. There’s still a little time, a few hours, to see if we can proceed as normal.

A Little Trivia for You

If you’ve read this somewhere else in my blog, sorry for the repeat.

On July 4, 1972, I was seventeen years old. It had been slightly over a month since I graduated from high school. (Long, long ago and far away) I was looking forward to going to college in a couple of months. The day was cloudy and the powers that be were threatening rain, again.

I was conned into going to a county fair with my parents and little brother. By the time we got there, I had a headache, not a bad one though — it was just one of those annoying ones jabbing me on both sides above the temples.

When we got home, I took two Anacin and leaned my head back on the sofa. It seemed to do the trick.

When Robin called, wanting to take me to a movie, I said yes. We had been dating for several months but because of the way I felt about another young man, I wanted to break it off with Robin. Guys had always broken up with me in the past, and because of being a realist, I always took it in stride. Still, I want to be as gentle as I could with Robin. He was a wonderful loving young man. Because he was taking me to a drive-in, we would definitely have the privacy that would make this announcement easier.

I was able to do this awful thing to Robin without tearing him up. In fact, he had met a woman he wanted to date but didn’t know if he should tell me or not. One-third through Downhill Racer, our relationship had gone from boyfriend and girlfriend to instant best friends.

Robin went to the concession stand and bought a couple of sodas for us. We sat back and watched the movie.

About three-fourths of the way through the movie, my headache came back, full strength this time. It was so bad I blacked out right there in the passenger’s seat of Robin’s Challenger.

I had a stroke. I because dependent on Independence Day.

Why Not Today?

I’m on the email list for David Steven’s newsletter that comes floating in once a month. David is a Life Counselor, with his specialty is helping people forty years of age or over to lead more fulfilling lives. I haven’t had the need for his individual counseling; I hope I never do. All the same, his newsletters are thought-provoking, which, I believe, is exactly what David wants as a reaction from the reading.

The newsletter I got from him yesterday was entitled Some Day. In his dialogue, he talked about setting high standards and adhering to them. He stated that life is too short to be dilly dallying around. If we don’t start living to our potential today, you may not have the chance tomorrow.

It got me thinking about those phrases in which the term some day is used.

Do people really take the phrase, I’ll do it some day, or maybe some day I’ll get to it, seriously? I remember being given that line as a kid from both of my parents at various times. When I’d heard it, I just knew that whatever it was, was not going to happen, period. It was a satirical statement to push me into the realm of reality.

Is it that I live life more deliberately than most? Do I do this naturally; you know, born this way? This could be. After all, I know that reaching for the impossible is a waste of time. I think I’ve always known this instinctively. Yet, at the same time, I believe I’ve pushed myself to go beyond what I’ve been told to be the limit, if for no other reason than just to see if I can do it. Because of this, I do have a tendency to drive people crazy at times with questions they’re sure I got from outer space.

Are there people who think there’s a ‘some day’ like in the song from the movie, West Side Story? Yes, I know there are such people.

I know people who would greatly benefit from David’s counseling, but they’re also the same people who will never listen to him either. They’re convinced, probably by themselves, that what is holding them back is something out of their control. They believe that it isn’t their fault (if that’s the right term to use), or it isn’t their responsibility to get themselves out of whatever rut they’re in.

The common excuses:

  1. too tired
  2. [whoever] would be so upset if I did [whatever]
  3. it cost too much
  4. have other commitments coming up (a lie of course)
  5. (and the really far out one) it isn’t in the stars for me

Have these people lived their entire life believing these excuses are valid? David, if you’re reading this, what is the percentage on this?

Last Week’s Capers

  • Exercise: Whelp… I didn’t get in four sessions on the bike. I did get in three though. Not good enough but headed in the right direction.
  • Reading: I’m reading Carol Balawyder’s Missi’s Dating Adventures. You may think that this EBook is for young adults. I rather doubt it though because of the passages about sex. I’m enjoying this book. If you’re looking for some reading in EBook form, you may want to check this one out. I’ve also been reading Mortal Fear by Greg Isles
  • Emotional Health: I guess that’s what the whole point of me going outside is. The weather didn’t cooperate last week, and this week isn’t much better. If I get out there a little later on, it will be my third time this week. I need more!
  • WIP: Revised both the setting and scene outline templates so that they’re better suited for me. I got 5871 words in this last week. I’m not going to push this count any farther, at least for right now. My total word count for my project is 38990.

This Next Week’s Antics

  • Reading: Finish up Mortal Fear and Missi’s Dating Adventures. Start reading Black Cross, also by Greg Isles and Hacking the Billionaire by Jenny Deval
  • Emotional Health: GET MY BUTT OUTSIDE!
  • WIP: Do another 5000+ words and read some articles on character development and descriptive narrative within the story. I’m hoping to also find some free pdfs on these two subject.

If any of you know of any articles or blog posts that hit on character development and/or descriptive narrative, please point me to them.

What does this next week look like for you?


12 thoughts on “Weekly Recap 7/4

  1. That’s when it started I gather–with the first stroke? I get lots of headaches, migraines, never black out though. I will have to dig through your blog to see what happened next.

    I read everything by Greg Isles. He’s one of my short listed authors. I just finished Tom Clancy’s latest novel (written by Glenn Blackwood)–“Under Fire”. Clancy’s estate has several renowned authors writing for Clancy’s popular series. This one wasn’t up to par on this one. The writing was great–it was the plotting that left me scratching my head.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glynis Jolly

      Actually Jacqui, that stroke was the only stroke I had. Yes, it was a doozy.

      I just finished the Greg Isles book I talk about in this post. Good story but there were a number of chapters that could have been taken out that would have made the story better. Not one of his best.

      I’ve read a few of Tom’s books but it’s been ages. Of course, if he passed on, I wouldn’t be seeing his name readily.


    1. Glynis Jolly

      Why not be gentle with a man, Dan? I’ve never understood women who have thought that all men are callus. I’ve found that usually it’s just the opposite.

      Thank you for the link. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such an interesting and captivating story about your stroke, Glynis. Although I knew of it, I’d never read the tale before and I’m glad you offered it up today.
    And David Stevens sounds like a fellow I’m going to have to introduce to about a half a dozen people. Thanks for the heads up on his work and the link.
    Lastly, boy, are you chugging along on your manuscript. Congratulations on the effortful results. I hope you’re feeling an enormous amount of satisfaction. Wonderful work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glynis Jolly

      I really don’t like talking about the stroke. After all, it’s been 43 years since I had the God awful thing. The disability it left is so much a part of me now that if, miraculously, I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t know what to do. Such is life.

      David is a super guy. I email him on occasion. If I had the money to travel to Australia, I’d go visit him too.

      I’m at the point in this writing project where I can see the shadows of the end from around the humungous curve I have to still go around. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to do the back end yet, which is a little scary. :/


  3. Hi Glynis,
    Thanks for including me in Your Story. “Excuses” are prevalent and they are a topic I have written about quite a bit. No one is immune to them [including me] however the trick is to recognise them.

    Many people are excusing themselves from Life without realising it. The examples that You gave above are frequently given via habit. And that’s the problem. When you make them a standard part of your dialogue, in my opinion, You need help.
    Thanks again.

    Be good to yourself

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glynis Jolly

      Thank you for stopping by, David. The ‘life excuses’ are one of my few pet peeves. I want to shake the person when they rattle one of them off. If they only knew all they were missing. 😦


  4. I love your expressions…whelp is one my sisters and I always used. I also enjoyed your capers. I have learned a lot from how deliberately you live your life—you have given me many thoughts to ponder and reassess what I’m up to. Thanks friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glynis Jolly

      WOW! April, where’d that come from? Thank you! Am I living my life deliberately? I’ve never thought about it before. I just know that I can’t sit around waiting for things to happen. I’m way too impatient for that.


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