Writing about Me / Religion

Writing about Me / Religion
Image provided by Mystic Politics

Some followers of this blog have been with me from the beginning in February of 2013. They probably feel they know me, at least a fair amount about my personality. Yet, there are so many things even some of my family members don’t know about me. My about page is purposely written in general terms, not to throw anyone off track, but to dodge the necessity to upgrade the page and the obligation of explaining any reasons in detail. My page about my disability quirks is the same way. There’s enough told so visitors to my blog can have a diffused understanding of shortcomings I have no control over.

In a nutshell, people who do not know me in person and for an adequate length of time don’t know much about me at all. Even some of the those people don’t know me all that well. I’m sure there are many others like me in the vast universe of cyber space. We’re commonly known as introverts and most of us are pleased with the notion.

Even though I love me solitude, sometimes I like voicing my opinion. Sometimes I like sharing a little more of myself than I normally would. Today and at various times in the future, I’ll be doling out posts that, I hope, will give you a more unhindered perception of me.

I thought I’d start out with one of the biggies that are known to shape a person’s character. Read on…


My Views on Religion

There was a time when I embraced religion. I was involved in my church and I was trying my best to be virtuous 100% of the time, even when no one was looking.

The more I studied within my faith, the more questions I discovered within the text and the teachings. I finally had to admit to myself that what was not being addressed was destroying any belief I had. I didn’t give up–not at first. I went search for other denominations in hopes of rediscovering that certainty about life and spirit that’s prevalent within religion.

At first I thought maybe the dogma of a congregation and how it varied from church to church was the culprit in my predicament. Therefore, finding the right church for me was all that had to be done. Or so I thought.

Turned out that wasn’t what was going to answer the questions whirling around in my head. Sure, many of the questions revolved around why what was done in one church versus another one was so important to the basic faith. However, I was questioning the unornamented beliefs themselves.

I can probably bet money there’s a reader out there whispering, “Atheist.” No, I’m not an atheist. I can’t, for one second, think that I, a human being, is the highest level of intelligence hovering around this planet and/or throughout the universe. As a species, I believe we let our emotions rule our lives, which is probably worse than the instincts other animals rely on. We, as a species, does some asinine things in the course of a 24-hour day.

I suggest it’s been centuries, or even millenniums since human beings have considered the wonder and the mystery of everything–of anything– in our world. Sure, you might go to the text books of science for answers, but those same answers have questions within themselves that aren’t being answered.

There’s an actual religion called “Nature Religion”. I’m not advocating this. Although I find the concept fascinating, there’s still questions in their answers I want addressed. Still, the thought of truly accepting death as part of the mix, along with birth and all that is in between seems more in tune with what I can fathom.

Could it be that I’m questioning the confines of religion? Oh yes, most probably. My existence is limited enough without others putting their barriers in my way.

There are still questions galore, but I believe letting the answers come within their own time, as nature does, is probably the only thing I can do.


Discussion is open!

“The very problem of mind and body suggests division; I do not know of anything so disastrously affected by the habit of division as this particular theme. In its discussion are reflected the splitting off from each other of religion, morals and science; the divorce of philosophy from science and of both from the arts of conduct. The evils which we suffer in education, in religion, in the materialism of business and the aloofness of “intellectuals” from life, in the whole separation of knowledge and practice — all testify to the necessity of seeing mind-body as an integral whole.” John Dewey


10 thoughts on “Writing about Me / Religion

  1. Suzy Barker

    Definitely food for thought. Loosely speaking, I am a disciple of nature religion since it’s the only “following”, if I have to belong to one at all, that makes any sense to me. This is probably because the one place I have found peace and answers to questions in my life is when I am immersed in the natural world. I’ve never yet found adequate or acceptable answers to any of my life’s major questions from other people or any mainstream religious school of thought. Suggest you do just allow answers to come your way as and when they will, because searching for them can make monkeys of us, and rob us of living a rewarding life right NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I never embraces religion as you did but I did spend time searching to see if there was one which would bring me beliefs to cling to. Like you all I found were unanswered questions. Buddhism was the nearest to capturing me with it’s peace ethic and that of the sanctity of life. But even parts of Buddhism rang false in some places.. Perhaps it was the place and not the people top blame.
    It became clear that though I believed Jesus may well have existed as a person, the stories surrounding him were from others like Mithras from centuries before, a Persian god. They were transferred to Jesus to bring he Roman legions into the Christian faith.
    The Christians professed one thing yet in practice we see they slaughtered the Templars who were Christians and the Cathars who were also Christians as well as all the killing in the Crusades. There were Popes who didn’t believe in the God they preached and the position was often open to the richest buyer. That ruled Christianity out for me though I followed some of the things they had in the bible like tolerance and love and kindness.
    But I saw Christian fundamentalists use the bible to say black people were lower than whites and so called Christians joined the KKK and had an orgy of killing. Their latest targets are gay people.
    I doubt we are the brightest people in the galaxy but the big bang theory tells me no god created me so I don’t believe one exists. I honestly think religion is the most divisive thing that keeps people apart and that wtihout it we may actually achieve tolerance and peace.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx


    1. You’re more versed in this subject than I am. My take is more from a personal emotional stand. Thank you for the information on Mithras. I read a little bit on it before replying to your comment. I’m going to read more later.

      I don’t advocate completely to the big bang theory. Although it’s certainly plausible, there’s mysteries it doesn’t explain.


  3. I like the way you handled this Glynis. Religion is something that has played too big a role in my life to explain, and yet I find myself without a church today. It’s a long story. I haven’t figured out how to squeeze it into a blog post, let alone a comment. I do believe. I do not judge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many people have an utter need for the certainty religion offers. I find no fault with that. I just can’t accede to it and consider myself being honest. Maybe I’m just more of an explorer in this life.

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  4. This is a difficult topic, beat only by politics. Religion–I follow my mom’s advice and don’t discuss it. Except when I taught in a Christian school. There, I started saying, God’s will, and find I still mean it. There’s a lot of comfort in those two words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As I told Dan (right above you here), many people see a certainty in religion they find difficult, if not impossible, to live without. Finding fault with this is like finding fault with the differences between apples and oranges.


  5. Hi Glynis, thank you for sharing your views on religion and I look forward to reading more about you in your future posts. This is a “biggie” as you mentioned early in your post. I grew up in a Presbyterian home, I got married into a Hindu, Arya Samaj family. I take some from each to help me grow into a better person. Nowadays, I go to a Baptist church with my mom and an Arya Samaj mandir with my husband and children. I don’t go often to either place of worship. I like to call myself a life-long learner…learning, growing, and evolving. There is so much to learn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your reply intrigued me. I looked up the Arya Samaj faith. What I read was just the general description, but it is close to the philosophy I have about life and spirituality. Like you, I’m an explorer in this life.

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