What Have I Been Doing?

This last month was chalked full of appointments. Some were of a medical nature while others were dental. What’s the difference? Actually, as far as I can tell, there isn’t any difference between the two. Both types of doctors provide services that keep us healthy or, hopefully, restore health to us. It’s just done in different ways.

I wonder if my doctor and dentist cringe when they see my car pulling into their parking lots. I seem to never visit them without bringing them a problem or two. Yet, they greet me with a smile, a handshake, and a sincere “How are you?”. Yes, they want my money. That I’m sure of but they seem to really have a concern for me as if I was a personal friend. Am I deluding myself? Chances are I am. Next month isn’t going to be much different either. Still, all in all, I’m feeling better these days and I owe the feeling to these two guys. I get a short break from these appointments that will last until May 15th. I hope I don’t end up adding woes to the list. I’m also hoping June will be even better—like no appointments at all?!

Because of all of these appointments, there were days when I didn’t write. Sure, I probably could have squeezed in a twenty to thirty-minute session on those days but, to tell the truth, I really didn’t feel much like writing. In fact, my time at the computer dropped and I preferred spending numerous hours reading. I’m not a fast reader. Due to astigmatism and learning to read by phonics, my speed is embarrassingly slow. I refuse to rush myself though because comprehension is my number one priority. If you like thrillers, be sure to check out Dean Koontz’s novels. So far, I have only found one I was disappointed in, The Vision. During the entire time I was reading this book, I wondered if Koontz was being pressed to finish it. The story could have been so much more than it was.

When I did venture to the computer, I found myself browsing through the timeline of Twitter. I’ve seldom done this in the past because I usually consider what I find to be dribble. Most of the people I follow on the media site are writers and I hope to learn from them, or, at least, get some relative news. However, many of them as just giving out prattle. Of course, maybe they think what I give out is just as bad. Is it possible that I’m not understanding the point of media sites? It’s all right; you can be honest with me.

More about my writing, seeing that I claim it’s my passion: During these last couple of weeks, it’s been more like my exasperation. It’s there in my head and yet I seem not to be able to get it down to my fingers so it will appear on the screen in front of me. I know what I want the ending to be, the last three or four chapters, but I’m having a hellish time with everything before that, starting with chapter three. I’ve even sought help at the online writing group I belong to in hopes of getting some direction, or at least some encouragement. My fellow members tried. They reviewed the two chapters I’ve written, giving me detailed feedback and have given me comments at the two message boards I use so frequently. Still, the anguish of bewilderment clings to me. I know writers go through this agony once in a while. It’s just so disheartening. From what I’ve been told, this type of mental aggravation does eventually pass. However, I’m not a patient person. Most Virgos aren’t.


Have any of you been having more issues lately?

“It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.” 
― George Harrison


10 thoughts on “What Have I Been Doing?

  1. Medical appointments seem to have a long span of interruption, at least for me. The dread, the anticipation, the procedure and the aftermath. The worst for me is when the dentist numbs things up, and then I can’t eat afterwards. I just started out with a new doctor in April, and I am very happy about that.

    Sometimes, advice from others should just serve as a jumping-off point. Maybe not actual advice you will use, but a reason to think a little differently and go an entirely new route. I’ve found that to be the case, often, when I give advice to people about writing and other projects. Asking for advice doesn’t mean you have to accept it – unless it’s from your doctor – then you should listen.

    I hope you have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just out of curiosity, Dan, how much time do you spend on social media sites and how important are they to you? I’ve been trying for years to get into the swing of using media sites but I really prefer email. I like the one on one approach. Message boards aren’t too bad and I like the comment section of blogs too.

      I like and rely on both my doctor and dentist. I have the utmost regard for them.


      1. I spend a good deal of time reading and commenting on other people’s blogs. I don’t know exactly how much, because it’s mixed in with reading and replying to comments on mine. I spend very little time on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. I have Twitter open, most of the time, and I glance at the “Daily” list that I follow, but more so during the day, as I follow a lot of people related to my job.

        As for the people that I look to for advice, or the people I work with on writing projects, it’s email all the way. For that kind of conversation, I prefer one-to-one.

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  2. Appointments can drag on and sometimes can seem never ending. Hope all will be okay with you. It’s great you got some feedback on your writing but as you said, it can be disheartening. We’re all entitled to our own perspective and sometimes not everyone will agree with what and how we write.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As for how many agree with my perspective on writing, I have shaken off people in my family, which, I’m quite sure, upsets them greatly. However, I’ve had no other choice because they want to tell me what to write about. No way that is going to happen.

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    1. Jacqui, what is it about appointments in “real life” that pulls us over a barrel when it comes to scheduling the rest of our life? People in other businesses do it all the time. Why, as writers, does it flub up the works so completely? I don’t have a clue. :/


  3. Glynis, I’m so sorry to hear that your medical issues are making you take a back seat to being engaged with your passion. When you feel a bit better, i know you’ll get back to writing.
    BTW, I write the endings of my stories before the first parts. I always know how I want each story to end.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know how my stories end too. I also know how I want them to start out, although, according to my fellow members at the online writing group, I start the story too soon and, therefore make it boring. Something I need to work on.

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