Too Little or Too Much?

Too Little or Too Much
Image provided by
Evan Leeson

Most people who read blogs, especially the one classified as personal have their summer from June 20th to September 20th. Or it could be the 21st depending on the year. (I never could figure out the math of the calendar year. I’ve just accepted it no matter what the change or lack of was.) Summer is when many people take their vacations/ holidays and just take life a little easier all the way around. Because of this, the lack of activity on my blog during these months doesn’t get me riled up. On the contrary, I take advantage of it and get quite lazy.

The 23rd of September is just around the bend now. I don’t need a calendar to tell me either. I can feel it coming on. My head is starting to spin with ideas for posts; I’m taking the time to make comments in more of the blogs I read; I just changed the design AND the URL of my site. Yep, I’m gearing up for the Autumn season on the blogosphere.

With this change of the seasons, I’m hoping to see more visitors/readers at my blog. Though I’m thinking the hope is irrational. Despite my ill-found desire, I still want more readers. What blogger doesn’t want this?

Would you help me in a  foolhardy endeavor? I want to try to get more followers. Simple enough, right? One strategy I’m told that works is to hit the social media sites more. That’s all well and good if you don’t have any other irons in the fire of your life and, therefore, have the time for sitting at one site for hours. Sorry, but there’s other things that need my attention. Below is a link (opens a new window or tab depending on how you have your browser set up) leading to a questionnaire/poll. I’m hoping I can learn more about the audience I attract and the readers I want. Please indulge me and fill it out for me.

Please Fill Out
This Survey


If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write. – Somerset Maugham


13 thoughts on “Too Little or Too Much?

    1. Thank you for participating, Jacqui.

      Maybe I’ll have to go to Google forms eventually but I hope not. I’m sure the forms are fine but… well, I’m kind of boycotting Google. I’m not doing it with everything but with some things. Why? Because they think they can rule the internet. Well, they won’t be ruling my internet anyway. 😛


  1. Hi Glynis,

    Passing by, I got attracted by your blog and have participated in your survey.

    I believe follower-ship is a function of the quality of one’s posts. We should follow our passion of writing and avoid getting concerned about the number of followers.

    Wish you all success going forward.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shakti, thank you for visiting. Yes, I know you’re right about not being concerned about followers, but I’m almost done with the first draft of my first novel. There are other drafts to follow, of course, but I do want to be able to sell this book once it’s ready. Having a good following on my blog will help with this.


  2. I filled the survey, Glynis… good luck with the new look blog. I get more readers by visiting more blogs, but it’s time consuming. I don’t know how many people of yours connect via google searches, but my blog traffic stands at 50% from google, although that’s been dropping recently


    1. Well, the newsletter isn’t for the blog really although I will be listing a few posts from the past 3 months each time I publish it. As for Google, they aren’t the only search engine out in cyberspace. (Can you tell that I’m not too fond of Google?)


      1. Yes, my “google search” statement is inaccurate, the stats could include other search engines. I prefer google search to Bing any day, but what search do you use? Oh and BTW the new e on W10 has improved significantly from the earlier days. I’m not sure if it improves the more we use or if MS got their act together

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL! I prefer Bing to Google. I will say that Google search is better than Yahoo though.

          As for ‘e’, I do believe you’re referring to Edge, the ‘new’ MS browser. It still needs oodles of improvement but maybe it will happen. I’m sure trying to make it happen. Every chance I get I send MS feedback on it. I figure they’ll either change the things I mention or they’ll hire me on. 😛

          Liked by 1 person

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