

My name is Glynis Jolly. I have been in the blogosphere for over fifteen years, flitting from one blogging host site to another. I still have blogs at other host sites but this is where I’m the most comfortable.

Image: Pen Waggener @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/epw/

I’m an older struggling writer still trying to decide if I should write a novel or stick with articles and essays. I’m sure once I have made up my mind and have a novel or several articles/essays under my belt, I will be about to continue like wildfire. You will find I am obsessed with writing if you browse through this blog, although, occasionally, I have touched on other subjects. If you’re curious as to which topics I usually discuss, please consult the list of categories on the sidebar.


Personal Trivia

How Older Am I?

I am old enough so AARP can consider me a senior but I really do not feel old inside yet. I am old enough to have salt and pepper hair [and I am not a redhead]. I am old enough to not only be a grandmother, but a great-grandmother to boot. I am old enough to remember the unrest that was prevalent in this country [U.S.] during the Vietnamese War. I am old enough to have been one of the demonstrators against that war, although just barely. I am old enough to know I do not know even half of what I could know if I had paid better attention all these years.

A Loner — I Think

I seem to be my happiest when I am alone. I can be a chatterbox but once I am out in that sort of setting, I always wish I had stayed quiet instead. Being a loner makes life trying as part of a couple. This appears to be double in my circumstances because my husband is the opposite of me, wanting people and noise 24/7. Fittingly, my son [from my first marriage] is like me, an introvert, while my stepdaughter is more like her father, an extrovert.

True to My Culture

Despite the fact that I live in Tennessee right now, I am definitely a westerner. Unlike here in the eastern US, cultures, races, and economic classes mix freely and wildly in the west. Often I forget where I am and treat everyone the same, putting people ill at ease no matter which side of the fence of the ostensible piece of land being the subject. I feel as if I am living in a foreign country most of the time.


I hope you will distinguish my posts with your presence and be good enough to comment on what I write.



73 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Glynis,Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for a whole heap of awards – The sisterhood of world bloggers, the inner peace award, the angel award, the wonderful team member readership award and the wordpress family award. You can find out more at http://irenewaters19.com/2014/05/19/awards-galore-inner-peace-angels-award-sisterhood-wordpress-family-and-more/
    Hope you will accept. I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your visits, your posts since meeting. Cheers Irene

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are so right about the ‘About’ page! It is indeed the first stop folks usually make when they decide whether to follow a blog. I’ve been blogging for a year, and my ‘about’ page needs an overhaul. I didn’t pay much attention to it when I began my blogging journey. Ah, well, just one more thing for my ‘to do’ list – work on my ‘about’ page. 😀

    You have a nice blog. I’ve read your comments on Tess’ wonderful blog, ‘Let’s CUT the Crap’ and decided to check your blog out. I’m glad I did.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glynis Jolly

      Thank you for the compliment, Kate. I need to update my ‘about’ page again too. Things just keep on happening.

      Tess is such a dear. We’ve become good cyber friends.

      BTW, I’m following your blog now. 😀


  3. When I first started blogging, I thought it was odd when people left a like or a comment on my about page but not on any of the posts. But I often do the same thing now–and it makes sense to me these days. Strange world, this blogging.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glynis Jolly

      I didn’t used to click on the ‘likes’ but I figured out that it was a way to tell the person I read their comment. This is especially handy when I don’t have anything to write back. That person at least knows I’m not ignoring him or her.

      Although I do read most about pages, I refrain from leaving a comment usually because there’s so many anyway. I’ll find a post to read at that blog and make my comment there.

      I do have to admit though it’s great to know someone is interested enough to read this page. 😉

      Thanks ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. …and so (of course) I hit the Like button on your reply.

        On my own blog, I use the Like button, in part, to let people know I’ve left a comment, because not all (or for all I know, any) of them will have checked the Notify me of new comments box. I checked that on someone’s blog once and am still getting pointless comments in my inbox, so I’m very, very sparing about checking it now.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Fabulous to meet up with you Glynis! I love the warmth of your writing and character. Thank you for taking an interest in my little blog. Have a lovely evening. I look forward to reading more of your work. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Illian, when I briefly scanned the columns of posts on your first page of your blog, I knew I’d enjoy reading what you write. Your creativity goes past the norm, that’s for sure. Thank you for deciding to follow my blog. I don’t have the writing experience you have, but nonetheless, I am a writer and am thrilled to have someone as accomplished as you reading my scribble. 🙂

      (I love your name.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your extremely kind words Gynis! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog. Experienced or not, you have a lovely voice and a very, very enjoyable style of writing. And I must say–Glynis Jolly is a pretty fabulous name (my name often gets muddled–I answer to Lillian, Jillian, and yes, even Elaine… 😉 )


  5. Pingback: Writing about Me / Religion – A Scripted Maze

  6. Hi Glynis,
    From one “senior” to another, it is a pleasure to meet you. You have a very interesting blog and discussing mental issues is an important one. Best of luck with your WIP. As a Southern all my life, let me just say, you wouldn’t make me feel uncomfortable. I would invite offer you tea and long conversation. Thank you for following my blog and welcome to the fence jumpers. I look forward to reading your comments and conversing more with you. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Shari. I love colors. I play with them all the time. This isn’t to say I’m a visual artist because, actually, I’m kind of sucky at it. I will probably change this look after Thanksgiving, something more suitable for winter. I’ll keep in mind that the background shouldn’t be white though. I have an online friend who has a problem reading on a white background.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my pleasure. If I ever get a book completely written, I might be asking you for a little space on your blog. Writing is hard enough. Now we have to do so much of our own advertising. I’m just helping.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Penny.

      Thank you for following my blog. According to one of the posts I read at your blog, you’re quite busy in the blogosphere. I will understand if your visits to my blog are sporadic. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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